



i seem to constantly be going back into the 'archives' when it comes to these posts,
but i can't help but identify so strongly with these women & their thoughts that i read about
2 or 3 years ago.

moreover, i think i'm finding that i must stop thinking about incorporating their philosophies into my life, and actually start acting on them. physical healing has to be accompanied by emotional healing, otherwise theres absolutely no point.

anyway, onto lady amanda harlech.
lady amanda harlech into the gloss
what i loved so much about her ITG feature,
and what has resonated with me so much over the years,
is her philosophy on self-care, and self-love.
i feel like these things have been written about and discussed to death, but it's so much harder to actually act on these philosophies, and incorporate them into your life (your thoughts, the way you treat yourself and others)
on to the radical quotes.
For me, beauty is grace. So, it’s not just how somebody looks in a photograph. It’s much more about a woman in motion. It’s the life that I find really beautiful.
So, my beauty philosophy is really to look after yourself. There’s really nothing immoral about that. Looking after myself is giving myself time. Time to breathe. Time to sit still. Time to look at the sky. Time is very important.
Beauty, it’s just very caring. It’s not about looking in the mirror and thinking, ‘I hate you! Transform you! Obliterate you! Disappear!’ It’s about saying: ‘This is me. You’re tired. You’ve got great bags under your eyes—that’s not surprising!’ So, don’t stop loving your skin. That’s all we are. We’re a heart pumping with a spirit somewhere and we’re a bunch of bones and skin.

pictures + words above from amanda's lovely feature on into the gloss

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